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Winery Spotlight: Get To Know… Monte de Oro

September 30, 2013


The Story

“Vines, Wine, Peo­ple” – that was the prin­ci­ple when a group of wine-loving investors from across Amer­ica, South Africa and the United King­dom got together to found Monte De Oro Win­ery in 2002. This beautiful Rancho California winery and vineyard uses a com­bi­na­tion of 21st cen­tutry inno­va­tion and centuries-old tra­di­tion in an environmentally-responsible approach to grow­ing its grapes and mak­ing qual­ity Temecula wine.


The Wines

Monte de Oro produces wines true to the vari­etal and regional characteristics of Temecula Valley. The winery grows more than a dozen different grape varietals, including Caber­net Franc, Mer­lot, Viog­nier, Zin­fan­del, Pinot Gris, Chardon­nay, Sauvi­gnon Blanc, and Mus­cat Canelli; along with Tem­pranillo, Petite Ver­dot, Mal­bec, Petite Syrah, Grenache, Mourve­dre, and Cinsault.

Monte de Oro owns and operates four Temecula vineyards: Vista del Monte, DePortola, Galway and a newer forth vineyard. In all, Monte De Oro Win­ery has a total of 72 acres of vine­yards and are proud to harvest estate-grown grapes for wine production.

Sixty-six per­cent of Monte De Oro’s grapes are red and thirty-four percent white. This pro­vides a broad array of qual­ity wines for Monte De Oro Win­ery while also reflect­ing the founding group’s per­sonal wine preference.

To learn more about Monte de Oro wines, visit the online wine store here.


Sustainable Grape-Growing

Monte De Oro is com­mit­ted to sus­tain­able grape-growing and wine-making, from the vineyards to the winery facility. Instead of rely­ing on the high energy con­sump­tion required for an above-ground wine bar­rel facil­ity, Monte De Oro exca­vated a 9,000 sq. ft. base­ment below ground, to uti­lize the nat­ural envi­ron­ment and aes­thet­ics of the build­ing struc­ture in order to main­tain a proper, con­sis­tent tem­per­a­ture and con­stant humid­ity. This dra­mat­i­cally reduces the need for elec­tric­ity needed in an above-ground facility.

To cap­i­tal­ize on the sunny locale, Monte De Oro has also made plans to incor­po­rate into its site design (park­ing lot and even­tual crush pad) instal­la­tion of solar pan­els to allow for solar-generated elec­tric­ity in the near future.


The Tasting Room

The tasting room at Monte de Oro has a sophis­ti­cated and ele­gant ambiance. Visitors can enjoy the view of the bar­rel cel­lar from above through the glass-floored tast­ing room; and the 180 degree panoramic view of Temec­ula Wine Coun­try from the out­side patio.

Stan­dard Tast­ing — 6 Tastes
Mon­day through Fri­day $12
Sat­ur­day and Sun­day $14

Black Label Tast­ing — 6 Stan­dard Tastes plus 3 Black Label Tastes
Mon­day through Fri­day $18
Sat­ur­day and Sun­day $20

The tast­ing room is open 7 days a week, 10am to 5pm. For more information on tastings and tours, click here.



Monte de Oro Winery always offers unique and exciting winery events! Click here for their full events calendar.


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