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April 12 is Celebrate National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day!

April 10, 2015

grilled cheese day 2And since we all know that cheese and wine is simply divine, it’s just yet another day to celebrate the best pairing ever!

And there’s so very many ways to enjoy.  At minimum, a good grilled cheese sandwich requires just three ingredients:  bread, cheese, and butter.  But, oh, what we can do with a little imagination…

The classic American grilled cheese sandwich emerged in the 1920s when inexpensive cheese and affordable sliced bread became available.  Keep it simple with plain old American cheese on white bread and a rich, fruity Chardonnay will always work.

Wanna get a bit fancy?  How about cheddar cheese with bacon.  After all, isn’t everything better with bacon?  The cheddar will up the sharpness of the cheese, so go red, but nothing too heavy.  A nice lighter style red like a Sangiovese would be a great match-up.

How about eating like the French, and enjoying  “Croque Monsieur”,  a grilled ham and cheese sandwich.  Make yours with Gruyère cheese, coarse-grained mustard, thinly sliced ham, dried apricot halves, and toasted pistachios – and throw it on a couple of French bread slices.  Add a vibrant rose or a fruity, but dry, Tempranillo for a perfect combination.  Or maybe adding some sweet caramelized onions to your Gruyère is more your preference?  In that case, pour a lightly sweet Riesling.

If Brie is your cheese of choice, try a panini-style sandwich with apple butter and bacon (again, what’s not better with bacon?) on raisin-walnut bread.  Nothing better than bubbly with brie, right?  But with the addition of the bacon, maybe a nice Chenin Blanc would be the ticket.

Goat cheese lovers, add a bit of smoked salmon with a bit of dill flavored butter.  That would be a heaven on earth partner for a crisp Sauvignon Blanc or Pinot Grigio.  YUM!

The choices and pairings are endless.  Give a few a try – and tell us about your favorites.  Just make sure you’re drinking Temecula Valley wines while you’re at it!

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