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Ginger-Cinnamon Honey Poached Citrus and Vanilla Ice Cream

June 28, 2017

Summer is not the time to spend hours in the kitchen; not when sun, surf and sand call upon our heartstrings!  This sweet treat looks like just the perfect dessert to keep the kitchen cool on those hot summer days.  Be sure to pair with Ponte Winery’s 2015 Beverino Bianco!

Yield: 4 servings


Segments of 2 grapefruit and 3 oranges
1 cup honey
2 cinnamon sticks
Fresh ginger, medium diced (from a 1” x ½” piece)
Chopped, toasted pistachios
Vanilla ice cream of your choosing


Pour honey into a saucepan. Segment the citrus fruit over the saucepan so that the juices run into it and place fruit segments in saucepan. Heat honey and citrus over medium heat just until it comes to a boil. Remove pan from heat and let cool for a couple of minutes. Carefully remove the poached citrus segments and set aside in refrigerator until cold.

Place cinnamon sticks and chopped fresh ginger into honey. Return to heat and slow boil until reduced by half. Remove from heat, strain out the sticks and ginger and let honey syrup cool. To serve, place 3 scoops of your favorite vanilla ice cream in a bowl. Place some of the cold citrus segments on top. Drizzle with ginger-cinnamon honey and top with chopped pistachios. Enjoy immediately!

Recipe and photo courtesy of Ponte Winery

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