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Wine Community Rallies to Provide Aid + Resources to Fire Victims

October 11, 2017

Our hearts are heavy for our friends and colleagues who’ve been affected by the devastating fires in Napa, Sonoma and Mendicino counties.   Several wine association leaders have formed a support network to organize resources and direct them to those in need.  Many have asked how they can help.  The following press release was distributed this morning.  If you’re able to offer any assistance, whether it be “on-the-ground” support or financial assistance, please contact the individuals listed below. #CAWineStrong

SANTA ROSA, Calif. (October 11, 2017)—Wine industry leaders have formed a support network to provide immediate assistance and long-term aid to victims of the fires ravaging Northern California and are calling on the national wine community for additional help. Organized by a group of association leaders representing the Golden State’s major winegrowing regions, support efforts include fundraising and creation of an online resource where vintners can find and offer resources, such as generators, trailers, lodging and manpower.

“Our focus right now is on getting on-the-ground support to impacted growers and vintners to help stave off further damage,” says Ann Petersen, Executive Director of Winegrowers of Dry Creek Valley. “We need the entire wine community to support this region with immediate and strategic action.”

Petersen is working with other local industry leaders to organize resources and direct them to those in need.

Short-Term Help
Vintners in the affected areas have immediate on-the-ground needs, ranging from equipment to experienced manpower.

Priorities include:
• Water Tanks, as local water resources are scarce and needed by firefighters; those who can provide should immediately email
• Generators to power cooling tanks and other urgently-need equipment
• Tractors and trailers to assist with moving grapes, equipment and debris
• Lodging to house workers, including tents, mobile unites or locals willing to open their homes
• Volunteer Labor. Experienced vineyard and cellar workers are needed; unskilled manpower is also welcome

The group has created an online form where supporters can list available resources and provide contact information. Resource and contact information will be shared only with members of Sonoma, Napa and Mendocino winegrowing and vintner associations. Click to offer resources.

Long-Term Help
Established community foundations in each of the counties impacted by the Northern California wildfires have created relief funds to provide aid to local fire victims. The group of regional leaders organizing the wine industry support effort encourages those who cannot provide ground support to make a donation in any amount to the following funds:

• Sonoma County Resilience Fund:
• Napa Valley Community Foundation:
• Community Foundation of Mendocino County:

“The Santa Cruz Mountains AVA wine community is heavyhearted today as we watch the continued impact of the wildfires on so many of our wine country brethren,” says Megan Metz, Executive Director of the Santa Cruz Mountains Winegrowers Association. “It’s times like these that remind us how important the company of family and friends can be. We have banded together to help our friends as best we can to protect their businesses and livelihoods and will continue partnering on recovery efforts in the weeks and months ahead.”

Community-wide fundraising efforts are underway and messaging is being organized around the hashtag #CAWineStrong.


Media Contacts:

Ann Petersen, Executive Director
Winegrowers of Dry Creek Valley
(917) 558-3860

Michelle McCue, President
McCue Marketing Communications
(213) 204-4136

Megan Metz, Executive Director
Santa Cruz Mountains Winegrowers Association
(415) 728-8647

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