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Get To Know..

Dream Big, Temecula Valley Winemakers!


This week we’re at the Unified Wine and Grape Symposium in Sacramento for a yearly industry event that helps keeps us all “in the know”.  Apart from pouring a sampling of fabulous Temecula Valley wines to some of the 14,000+ attending wine lovers, we caught up with a few of our own to find out what they were dreaming about while walking through the chock full convention center.

Arturo Villareal, winemaker at Danza del Sol was looking for some new barrels.  But what he’s really dreaming about is a new, much larger wine cellar.  Sorry, Art!  I don’t think they actually sell those.

We caught up with Damian and Marcello Doffo who were in the midst of purchasing a water treatment system for Doffo Winery. While it’s a much needed purchase, there’s certainly much more fun things to buy…


Nick and Cindy Palumbo were looking for some portable stainless steel tanks.  And dreaming of a cold beer! As Nick always says, “it takes a lot of beer to make wine.”

BJ Fazeli, who’s winery is being built as we speak, needs everything for his new winery.  He brought along his wallet and is definitely dreaming BIG.

The Wiens brothers are in the market for a new de-stemmer but are dreaming about a new optical sorter that will separate and remove the less than perfect grapes from the sorting table.  It’s a winemaker thang!

JD Harkey and Chase Drake, of Drake Enterprises are dreaming REALLY big and hoping Ben pops for a machine harvester this year.

Jon McPherson and Javier Flores, the dynamic duo of winemakers at South Coast, were searching out some “state of the art” lab equipment for the new Carter Estate Winery which is scheduled to open in just a few weeks.

All in all, I’d say the Temecula Valley winemakers, while truly dreaming big dreams, were pretty down to earth.  Except for Art and that new cellar…


Dream Big ~ Jim Carter, South Coast Winery

Check in every month where we feature a new interview with a Temecula Valley winery owner. You’ll learn where they came from, why they chose Temecula – and what keeps them passionate about the sometimes not-so-glamorous life of a winery owner.


Jim and Dawn Carter, owners

Jim and Dawn Carter, owners

Today, we’re sitting down with Jim Carter, owner of South Coast Winery Resort and Spa, at the winery’s restaurant, Vineyard Rose. Never one to sit still for long, the energetic father of 13, grandfather to 27 and great-grandfather to 4 is a man on a mission!

South Coast Winery opened in 2001 and has grown exponentially since then, was that always part of the vision?
I knew what I wanted to build way before I started construction.  I’d visited wine regions throughout the state and knew that ultimately I wanted to have a place where people would want to come and stay amongst the vineyards. We built in phases, starting with the production side and the tasting room.  Phase 2 was the villas, phase 3 the Vineyard Rose restaurant, phase 4 the conference center and finished off with phase 5, the Grapeseed Spa. I think there was about 10 or 11 wineries when I started.  Who knew it was going to develop as quickly as it did?

But that really wasn’t what I had in mind when I bought my first Temecula vineyard property back in 1981.  I wanted to grow grapes. And I planted a lot of them beginning back in 1995 on a 400 acre piece of property that I’d purchased years before up along the east side of Mount Palomar. It’s a spectacular vineyard we named Wild Horse Peak and it produces some fabulous grapes.  My kids and I would spend weekends and summers up there digging and planting.  I just fell in love with the farming side.  The winery is the vehicle that allows me to be a grape grower.

The winery has quite an extensive menu of wines, was that also part of the plan?
We just kept planting to see which clonal varietals grew well here and we ended up liking pretty much everything we grew.  So we’re in a unique position in that we can now make a wine that suits just about anyone’s palate.  There’s a wine for everyone – and I want to make sure that visitors can discover what they love right here in our tasting room.  

So what’s next?
Carter Estate Winery and Resort.  The first phase of our family’s next adventure is set to open in January.  It’s a completely different concept from this winery.  Our production will be quite limited.  We sourced the fruit for these bottlings from some of our best vineyard blocks and have used the best barrels on the market to hand craft 4-5 different wines that we’ll be releasing under the Carter Estate label.  And we’re also really excited to announce that we’ll be showcasing some new “methode champenoise”, traditional style sparkling wines over there too.  We’re really anxious to share these small lot wines that we’ve been bottling and cellaring for awhile now.  

And we’re also breaking ground on a winery/brew pub in the Texas hill country, just outside of Austin in a town called Johnson City.  

Sounds like crazy talk to me! Do you ever sleep?  What keeps you awake at night?
I have a good life.  About the only think that keeps me awake is praying for rain! We sure need us a good rainy winter.




Dream Big ~ John Thornton, Thornton Winery

Check in every month where we feature a new interview with a Temecula Valley winery owner. You’ll learn where they came from before settling in Temecula, CA – and what keeps them passionate about the sometimes not-so-glamorous life of a winery owner.

The Thornton Family l-r:  Steve, Sally and John

The Thornton Family
l-r: Steve, Sally and John

Our ongoing series this month features John Thornton, of Thornton Winery, one of the valley’s “first”, which opened for business way back in 1988.  Learn why, after almost 30 years, “Mr. T”, as he’s lovingly known to us, still lives and breathes wine.

Why – or how on earth! – did you get into the wine business? And why was Temecula your chosen region?
Well, Sally and I used to travel extensively on business and everywhere we’d visit, we’d try to eat and drink local.  We loved the social aspect of food and wine together.  We thought, “Hey, we can start our own place and offer food and wine and it’ll be easy.” Boy, were we WRONG!  At the time, Ely Callaway was marketing Temecula as the perfect place to make wine and although the area had a small wine industry, we did some research and it did appear to be a “natural” fit for a wine country and poised for growth.

Running a small family winery – even one that’s been around for awhile like Thornton has – must present a unique set of challenges. What keeps you up at night? And what gets you up in the morning?
I think some of the same things that keep most business owners up at night; but for us it’s how to sell our wine, what wines to make, how to keep our customers happy, cash flow….but Steve works this part of the business, so I sleep pretty darn good!  What gets me up in the morning?  I get excited about the challenges in the business actually.  Challenges can be opportunities and we can take a challenge and turn it into something positive.

What do you MOST love about the wine industry?
What I love most about the wine industry is the people.  There are some of the nicest and most genuine people in this industry.  Another thing about this industry that is so great is sharing food and wine with friends;  it’s a wonderful thing.  You add music to that, and you’ve got the perfect combination.

Speaking of music, Champagne Jazz has been a staple in the music industry – and at Thornton – for almost 30 (!) years. Are you proud with its effect on our little wine country?
When we started Champagne Jazz, we never expected it to be what it is today.  It’s had a long life and it’s taken years and a lot of hard work to formulate.  It’s a continuous challenge to combine a food, wine and musical experience that will appeal to a broad audience.  We’re really proud that we’re bringing in some of the best jazz performers in the world.

Cafe Champagne was THE first restaurant in wine country. That must present its own unique opportunities and challenges?
Our biggest challenge was learning the food business.  It’s a tough business.  You’ve got to do a lot of research and make sure that you’ve got what people want.  You’ve got to come up with menus that appeal to customers and you’ve got to make the prices competitive in order to bring the people in.  The restaurant was originally “high-end”, but it’s now more casual.  Steve’s been teaching me that it isn’t always about what I want!  The customer is always right.  We’ve got to listen to them, try to pair the food and wine well, and make them happy.  We’ve got a lot more competition with our neighbors now, and while this is inevitable, it just keeps us planning and adapting.  We’re watching the valley get better and better and it’s exciting to watch!


Dream Big ~ Oak Mountain Winery

Check in every month where we feature a new interview with our Temecula Valley winemakers and winery owners. You’ll learn where they came from before settling in Temecula, CA – and what keeps them passionate about the sometimes not-so-glamorous art (and science) of making good wine in California.

Steve and Val hard hat-ting it!

Steve and Val hard hat-ting it!

Our ongoing series this month features Steve and Valerie Andrews of Oak Mountain Winery. Val’s dad and uncle were in the gourmet wine business back in the 60’s, way before it was popular. And all it took was a wine tasting trip with Val’s dad for Steve to get bit by the winemaking bug.

Why (on earth!) did you get into the wine business?
Well, we were already in love with the wine industry.  We lived on 10 acres, so we just  decided to plant it and try our hands at making some. Next thing we knew, we had three wine barrels of some pretty awesome wine and we just decided it was time to open a winery so we could actually sell all this liquid gold. That was the beginning of our home winery, Windy Ridge Cellars (now Temecula Hills Winery) in 2001.

And why Temecula?
Well, we lived here – and the climate is great for growing grapes. After several years of operating out of our home winery, we purchased the property where we now have Oak Mountain Winery.  We’ve been open since 2005.

So what’s it really like running a family owned and operated winery?
If you don’t love what you do you will never succeed in running a winery. We work seven days a week; 10-12 hours a day. But we DO love it!

What is it you MOST love?
We love the people we meet, the other winery owners and the lifestyle we live. We love the continuing education we receive at seminars – and what we learn from talking to other winemakers and owners. We love that there’s endless opportunities that the winery can offer to our guests. It allows us to be creative in our label designs, our tours and special deals, and our parties and events. We make each of them our own. For us it’s a shared interest we both love to explore. Injectable preparations are a special category of substances in pharmacology. They help athletes achieve the results they need. Thus, most athletes choose this particular category of steroids. It has also been proven that injectable steroids have minimal toxic effects on the human liver. You can buy in on roid supplements uk online shop . Because the components of the drug instantly enter the human circulatory system. Injectable steroids are manufactured in solution form. This is usually an oil solution.

So, on the opposite side of that, what keeps you awake at night?
There are challenges with running a small family business. The mix of all of our family’s personalities – working together every day – it’s a challenge for sure. But we like challenges! And, it makes us happy almost all of the time.

And the Caves! What does it mean to have (almost!) completed a project of this magnitude? I mean, really! How lucky are we???
The caves. A huge insightful undertaking! Two years in planning and nine months of digging. We’re still looking at about three more months to finish up all the little details. There is nothing like this in Southern California. When you get the chance to tour our caves, we promise you that you’ll feel like you’re on a mini vacation to Europe; like being sent back in time. We’re so excited and proud to have the first mined cave in Southern California. We just can’t wait for it to be finished!


Winery Spotlight: Get to Know… Doffo Winery

The Story

Nestled on the Northeast border of the Temecula Valley, CA sits Doffo Winery. Founded in 1997 by Marcelo Doffo, it is one of a few micro-boutique wineries in the region and the only one built around the former site of a Temecula historic landmark schoolhouse. Situated on 15 acres of rolling vineyards, the winery possesses a unique combination of old world values and warm family charm.  It is also home to MotoDoffo, the family’s private collection of over 100 racing and vintage motorcycles.

Famous for handcrafted reds, Doffo is focused on small lot, limited production wines made in the old world style. Reminiscent of their Italian/Argentine heritage, Doffo is the only winery in the region to feature an outdoor, wood-burning oven and grill where they often serve “The Parilla”, a delicious staple of the Argentine table, served with their own Chimichurri sauce and paired with exceptional Doffo wine.

The Wines

The unique micro-climate of Temecula Valley drives the characteristics of their wines and plays a distinct role in shaping the final result. Their collective experience, family traditions and farming techniques, combine with the terroir to create intensely flavored wines of complex structure, texture and bold, rich fruit.

Their philosophy has always been that good winemaking begins in the vineyard. They start by hand planting each vine and providing careful attention daily. They prune their vines and thin their grape clusters throughout the growing season to maximize fruit concentration and ensure the highest quality in the grapes. They also play classical music in the vineyard to soothe the grapes as they develop and mature.

To shop the Doffo wine store online, click here.

The Tasting Room, Marketplace and Winery Tours

Doffo Winery’s motto, “Enter as a stranger… leave as a friend,” starts the moment you enter their intimate tasting room, filled with warm-colored hues, vintage Ducati motorcycles, stylish art prints and hospitable staff. The Doffo family greets you with a warm welcome and are always excited to share their passion for great wine and vintage motorcycles with their guests.

Doffo winery’s tasting room is open daily from 10am-5pm and offers two tasting options. Standard Wine Tasting is $10 and includes 6 wines. Premium Tasting includes 5 of their premium wines; prices vary on availability, so check with the staff to see what premium selections are being offered for the day.

Doffo offers a variety of vineyard and winery tours to suit your taste and budget. Enjoy one or all of them; either way you’re sure to have a wonderful experience.


Take a vineyard tour aboard the Doffo Winery “Malbec Express” – an eco-friendly, Ferrari-style Bus. You will learn all about Doffo’s unique farming methods, why they play music in the vineyard, the different varietals, and visit Marcelo’s incredible motorcycle collection. The tour concludes with a Premium Tasting and cheese plate in the Moto-Barrel Room.

Weekdays: 11am and 2pm

Weekends: 10am / 12pm / 2pm / 4pm

Admission: $45/person

Tours are approximately 1 1/2 hours


Visit Doffo and stroll the grounds of their beautiful boutique vineyard. This self-guided tour begins in their tasting room where you can pick up a tour brochure. It includes interesting facts and places on the Doffo property. There is no cost; just a few limitations and restrictions.

Hours: 10am – 5pm

Admission: Free


Visit Doffo for their wines, but stay for a tour of their vintage motorcycle and scooters. There is no cost for this tour. Simply check in at the tasting room and stroll to the MotoBarrel Room to view the MotoDoffo collection.

Hours: Thursday and Sunday 10am – Noon

Admission: Free

For information on any of these tours, please call ahead to 866-469-8466 or ask for more details in the tasting room.


Celebrate with Doffo

Whatever time of year or occasion, Doffo would be pleased to welcome you and your guests for private events in any or all of their four unique spaces. Their staff is ready to bring your event to life with music, the finest cuisine, great wine and tailor-made packages with options including traditional Tango Dancers and Argentinian Gauchos serving up a special feast.

Please visit their events page or contact them for more information about planning your special event with Doffo at 866.469.8466.

Doffo Winery
36083 Summitville
Temecula CA, 92592
Phone 951.676.6989
866.469.8466 |866-4myvino


Winery Spotlight: Get to Know… Ponte Family Estate

The Story

Located in the heart of Temecula Wine Country, Ponte Family Estate offers guests a “day in the country,” with its spacious rustic-style tasting room, al fresco dining, and extensive marketplace gift shop nestled within more than 300 acres of vineyard. The 60-room, mission-style Ponte Vineyard Inn is an ideal wine-country hotel for visitors to enjoy a “stay in the country.” Ponte Family Estate offers an approachable, memorable experience that welcomes both new and experienced wine lovers. Visitors can enjoy tours of the winemaking process, participate in special events like the Annual Grape Stomp Festival, or work with the winery’s event planners to create an exceptional wine country wedding or other special event. With its picturesque setting, approachable wines, farm-fresh cuisine, upscale lodging and array of activities, Ponte Family Estate is one of the most sought-after and complete wine destinations in Southern California.

The Wines

As a boutique California winery producing about 1500 cases a year for each varietal, Ponte focuses on quality rather than quantity. Ponte wines feature crowd-pleasing single varietals like Moscato and Pinot Grigio; plus their friendly signature blends, like Super T, Beverino and “Angry Wife” Red. Popular Ponte white wine blends include the “Isabel” and “Juliet” lines. Plenty of choices for the sweet wine lover, too! Ponte fans love the pretty Rosé Spumante and the many Late Harvest varietals, which pair well with a cheese plate or dessert. For a special holiday host gift, consider giving the Ponte Holiday Magnum or a Zinfandel Port.

To shop the Ponte wine store online, click here.


The Tasting Room, Marketplace and Winery Tours

Ponte’s tasting room is open daily from 10am-5pm. Tasting includes 6 wine tastings and a Ponte wine glass.

Mon – Fri $15 per person
Sat – Sun $20 per person

Located in the expansive country-style tasting room, the Ponte Marketplace is one of the best in the valley. Guests love to sip wine while shopping 3,500 square feet of fabulous and unique gifts. There are charming wine accessories, home accents and delicious specialty foods on sale every day.

Ponte Winery offers one-hour vineyard and winery tours seven days a week. Jump on board their new 12-passenger electric bus and tour the 310 acre ranch while learning about Ponte’s grape-growing philosophy. Taste three signature Ponte wines, right next to the vineyards they come from. Visit the winery facilities to learn about the art and science of winemaking. The tour ends with sample tastes from stainless steel tanks and giant oak casks.

Monday – Friday
1:00 p.m.

Saturday & Sunday
11:00 a.m. | 1:00 p.m. | 3:00 p.m.

Vineyard Bus Tours are:
$25 per guest

Have a question? Please call 951-694-8855.

Dining at Ponte: Bouquet, The Cellar Lounge and The Restaurant at Ponte

Ponte offers more dining options than most other Temecula Valley wineries. The Restaurant at Ponte has been voted one of the top 50 best outdoor restaurants by OpenTable. This al fresco lunchtime eatery offers upscale California cuisine with Mediterranean flavors seven days a week. Dinner can enjoy the new Bouquet and The Cellar Lounge located next-door at the Ponte Vineyard Inn.  The chefs at Ponte Estate focus on locally-sourced ingredients and artisan recipes.

Learn more about restaurant choices at Ponte Family Estate here.


Ponte Holiday Events and Ponte Vineyard Inn Packages

Cyber Monday Special: Sunday-Thursday bookings at Ponte Vineyard Inn made on Cyber Monday, December 2 will be priced 30% off regular rates. Subject to availability; stay should take place between Cyber Monday and the end of 2014. Blackout dates include all holidays.

Holiday Shopping Sundays: Ponte Winery’s festively decorated Tasting Room and Marketplace offers a carefully curated selection of gourmet delicacies, elegant housewares, cookbooks and wine. Guests are invited to shop while sipping hot cocoa and listening to holiday music under twinkling lights. Wine tastings are available for purchase. Sunday, December 15th and 22nd 10:00am-5:00pm.

New Year’s Eve Dinner and Package: The winery’s popular Restaurant at Ponte will be serving their full menu with specials in the winery’s stunning Barrel Room. Reservations accepted from 5:00pm to 8:00pm, on December 31st. For reservations, call (951) 252-1770. In addition, there will be a special seating for dinner at Bouquet Restaurant at Ponte Vineyard Inn with a prix fixe menu and wine pairings. Please contact Ponte Vineyard Inn at 951-587-8855 for tickets. After dinner, guests are invited to take the short walk via a designated path to neighboring Wiens Family Cellars for their vintage Las Vegas-themed New Year’s Eve Celebration, hosted by The King himself, Elvis Presley. Those who book rooms at Ponte Vineyard Inn will enjoy exclusive access to The Cellar Lounge, a complimentary bottle of Ponte Winery Moscato, a complimentary Bloody Mary at Bouquet the next morning and a 1:00pm late check-out.

To book a room at Ponte Vineyard Inn, call (951) 587-6688  or visit To purchase tickets to the Wiens Family Cellars new Year’s Eve Celebration, please contact the winery at (888) 989-4367.

Ponte Family Estate is located at 35053 Rancho California Road, Temecula CA 92591 | | 951-694-8855




Temecula Winery Spotlight: Get to Know… Callaway Vineyard & Winery

The Story

Founded by entrepreneur and savvy businessman Ely Reeves Callaway Jr., Callaway Vineyard & Winery has been a Temecula Valley wine country institution for 40 years.  After extensive research in the late 1960s, Ely decided to plant his roots in Southern California’s South Coast AVA to take advantage of the “Rainbow Gap,” the gap between the mountains that allows Pacific Ocean air into Temecula Valley, creating a vine-friendly climate consisting of cool nights and warm days.

The Callaway vineyards were planted in 1969 and by the early 1970s, they were one of a handful of Temecula wineries producing and selling wine. Many say that Ely Callaway helped put Temecula on the map as a serious wine producing region. Now privately owned, the winery property was purchased by the Lin family of San Diego in late 2005. Callaway Vineyard & Winery wines are only available at the winery and are not available in any retail stores.


The Wines

Still one of the region’s largest wineries, Callaway proudly makes wine only from Temecula Valley fruit. The winery currently grows seven different grapes across 220 acres. The estate vineyards are planted with Syrah, Zinfandel, Viognier, Sangiovese, Dolcetto and Cabernet Sauvignon grapes; additional acreage is planted with Cabernet Sauvignon and Chardonnay grapes.

Callaway’s Special Selection wines are high quality, limited productions that best exemplify the Callaway legacy. These wines are meant to be accessible, food-friendly and fun!

The brand’s “Winemaker’s Reserve” wines are aged longer to develop more complexity in the bottle. Chosen barrel by barrel for richness and depth, these wines are typically bigger and bolder to satisfy the seasoned wine lover.

To shop for Callaway wine online, click here.



The Tasting Room

Renovated in 2012, the stunning Callaway tasting room is enclosed by glass windows and surrounded by rolling-hill vineyards. The Callaway tasting experience operates on a grand scale, offering daily tastings, automated wine tasting stations, patio wine flights and winery production tours daily.

The tasting room is open daily from 10am-5pm | 951.676.4001

Wine Tastings
Daily from 10am-5pm
Tasting include 4-6 tastes from different tasting menu options for $10.

Wine Flights
Tasting includes 3 tastes of any wine for $15
Enjoy the wine flights on our terrace while relaxing and taking in breathtaking views of Temecula’s wine country.

Winery Tours
$5 per person
Weekdays – 11am, 1pm, and 3pm | 
Saturdays – 11am, 12pm, 1pm and 2pm | 
Sundays – 11am, 12pm, 1pm and 2pm

Callaway’s online visitor center offers more details to help plan your visit.


The Restaurant

Meritage Restaurant at Callaway is a top dining spot in Temecula wine country for an al fresco lunch or dinner. Anglų kalbos kursai internetu įmonėms, Vilniuje, Kaune ir Klaipėdoje Chef Michael Henry focuses on crafting seasonal California-Mediterranean cuisine and is proud to source from neighboring farms, butchers and other Southern California artisans. The restaurant livens up every weekend with Live Music Fridays and Sangria Sundays!

Open daily
Monday – Thursday 11am-4pm
Friday – Sunday 11am-8pm

View the restaurant menu. | Make a reservation.


Callaway Events

Callaway is especially proud to offer a fabulous winery space for large wine country weddings and private events all year round. Check the events calendar for all the details on the winery’s upcoming holiday events.



Winery Spotlight: Get To Know… Monte de Oro


The Story

“Vines, Wine, Peo­ple” – that was the prin­ci­ple when a group of wine-loving investors from across Amer­ica, South Africa and the United King­dom got together to found Monte De Oro Win­ery in 2002. This beautiful Rancho California winery and vineyard uses a com­bi­na­tion of 21st cen­tutry inno­va­tion and centuries-old tra­di­tion in an environmentally-responsible approach to grow­ing its grapes and mak­ing qual­ity Temecula wine.


The Wines

Monte de Oro produces wines true to the vari­etal and regional characteristics of Temecula Valley. The winery grows more than a dozen different grape varietals, including Caber­net Franc, Mer­lot, Viog­nier, Zin­fan­del, Pinot Gris, Chardon­nay, Sauvi­gnon Blanc, and Mus­cat Canelli; along with Tem­pranillo, Petite Ver­dot, Mal­bec, Petite Syrah, Grenache, Mourve­dre, and Cinsault.

Monte de Oro owns and operates four Temecula vineyards: Vista del Monte, DePortola, Galway and a newer forth vineyard. In all, Monte De Oro Win­ery has a total of 72 acres of vine­yards and are proud to harvest estate-grown grapes for wine production.

Sixty-six per­cent of Monte De Oro’s grapes are red and thirty-four percent white. This pro­vides a broad array of qual­ity wines for Monte De Oro Win­ery while also reflect­ing the founding group’s per­sonal wine preference.

To learn more about Monte de Oro wines, visit the online wine store here.


Sustainable Grape-Growing

Monte De Oro is com­mit­ted to sus­tain­able grape-growing and wine-making, from the vineyards to the winery facility. Instead of rely­ing on the high energy con­sump­tion required for an above-ground wine bar­rel facil­ity, Monte De Oro exca­vated a 9,000 sq. ft. base­ment below ground, to uti­lize the nat­ural envi­ron­ment and aes­thet­ics of the build­ing struc­ture in order to main­tain a proper, con­sis­tent tem­per­a­ture and con­stant humid­ity. This dra­mat­i­cally reduces the need for elec­tric­ity needed in an above-ground facility.

To cap­i­tal­ize on the sunny locale, Monte De Oro has also made plans to incor­po­rate into its site design (park­ing lot and even­tual crush pad) instal­la­tion of solar pan­els to allow for solar-generated elec­tric­ity in the near future.


The Tasting Room

The tasting room at Monte de Oro has a sophis­ti­cated and ele­gant ambiance. Visitors can enjoy the view of the bar­rel cel­lar from above through the glass-floored tast­ing room; and the 180 degree panoramic view of Temec­ula Wine Coun­try from the out­side patio.

Stan­dard Tast­ing — 6 Tastes
Mon­day through Fri­day $12
Sat­ur­day and Sun­day $14

Black Label Tast­ing — 6 Stan­dard Tastes plus 3 Black Label Tastes
Mon­day through Fri­day $18
Sat­ur­day and Sun­day $20

The tast­ing room is open 7 days a week, 10am to 5pm. For more information on tastings and tours, click here.



Monte de Oro Winery always offers unique and exciting winery events! Click here for their full events calendar.


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